Eagle Blue lives high on a mountain top above a sleepy town below. With hungry chicks to feed she may lured in to the town by the temptation of an easy meal. Set to the music 'This is a True Heart' by Julia Holter.
Will's second short film explored his love for colour, music and wildlife. The story was inspired by a song by Julia . The film has an environmental message that centres around the mother eagle searching for food for her young.

Read Wills interview with Directors Notes about how he went about making the film:
Check out Julia Holter wonderful music here https://juliaholter.com

The film was partly inspired by a trip to Eastport on an island just off the coast of Maine in the U.S. There were plenty of Bald Eagles and Ospreys to be seen and Will started making a few sketches. It's a beautiful place to stay.
Will ended up going back there to take part in a months artist in residence at the Tides institute. You can see what he got up to during his residency HERE.